Tuesday, February 17

Housing G.M. under construction | WIP # 03 | 2015

Tuesday, August 12

"Monumental Loop Structures" | online publications 2014

In this post we want to thank all the websites from all over the world who have published our project. We also thank the hundreds tweets and invite you to follow us on our official twitter page.

    •  "MADEOFFICE architects' latest proposal creates a monumental architecture piece that is set to symbolize the institution's immense effect on its united countries and the rest of Europe...The curved structure is not only visually striking but is reminiscent of a sculptural monument."  source: Trend Hunter - art & design
      • "madeoffice envisions a universal symbol of the european union...madeoffice has released the visuals for their project titled ‘the european spiral,’ which operates as a monument in ode to the european union...the history of 28 countries are intertwined and metaphorically evolve together towards a future where the choices of a one influence those of another. formally, this can be seen as the folds of the spiral adapt to the needs of the next space that occurs along the sinuous path..." source: Designboom
      • "The European Spiral is the work of MADEOFFICE architects and a universal symbol for the European Union..."  source: Archiscene
      •  "...the European Spiral conjures the biblical reference of the Tower of Babel..." source: Casamea 

        Tuesday, August 5

        madeoffice.it | PUBLICATION 2014

        MADEOFFICE | Engineering & Architecture published on "SkyscraperCity magazine - all about skyscrapers, the vertical culture and city greatness"

        Friday, July 25

        madeoffice.it | PUBLICATION 2014

        MADEOFFICE | Engineering & Architecture is proud to be part of the cover of the new international issue "B-1 Magazine" Volume 7, July 2014. 

        Tuesday, May 20


        Architects meet in Fuoribiennale_Off

        06 Giugno 2014 ONE DAY TALK+PARTY
        Palazzo Widmann - Calle Widmann, 30121 Cannareggio, Venezia

        fonte: presS/Tletter

        Thursday, May 15

        YIA 2014 | MADEOFFICE ///Shortlisted

        Pubblichiamo l’elenco dei finalisti individuati dalla giuria della prima fase composta da: Diego Barbarelli (PresS/Tletter), Matteo Belfiore (Università di Tokyo), Maria Elena Fauci (critica di architettura), Luca Guido (Università Iuav), Salvator-John Liotta (CNRS di Parigi), Alessandro Melis (Università di Auckland), Emmanuele Jonathan Pilia (Deleya editore).
        Da ora inizieranno i lavori della giuria della seconda fase composta da: Nancy Goldring (artista-architetto fondatore gruppo Site), Hans Ibelings (The Architecture Observer), Nicola Leonardi (The Plan), Bart Lootsma (critico di architettura), Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (PresS/Tletter), Indira van’t Klooster (A10), Arthur Wortmann (Mark Magazine).

        Elenco dei finalisti:
        . brenna clerici
        . cimini
        . corti
        . crilo
        . dfg architetti
        . didonè
        . lab255
        . madeoffice
        . schiavello
        . tedeschi

        La proclamazione e la premiazione dei vincitori si terrà venerdì 6 giugno, unitamente alla premiazione del Concorso Giovani Critici, presso Palazzo Widmann a Venezia, all’interno dell’evento internazionale dal titolo Architects meet in Fuori biennale_OFF, organizzato dall’AIAC in occasione della XIV Biennale di Architettura.

        FONTE: presstletter.com

        a questo link si possono vedere tutti e 98 gli studi di architettura under35 partecipanti al concorso

        Wednesday, April 17

        The Europe's Become | MADEOFFICE 2nd Prize Award

        MADEOFFICE was awarded the second prize of the International Competition "THE EUROPE'S BECOME": architectural ideas, creative and artistic expressions for the conservation of the future of Europe.

        "It is in this perspective that the Association Atelier PAEMA calls for design ideas that are architectural, creative, artistic; and simultaneously lead to a synthesis of the European values interpretations for the past, present, and future: what the European cultural heritage has represented, what it is now, what we hope it will become and how all this can be expressed in a symbol, in a function, in a place.
        In a time of severe and prolonged global economic crisis, when there is a high risk to impoverish the European cultural dimension, the present International design competition seeks to counter this trend and aims at providing visibility to the positive elements that underlie the European identity, the process of integration and its cultural value. Coherent with this vision, Atelier PAEMA proposes to give visibility to Europe, even in a symbolic way, in order to convey the many meanings belonging to its citizens and territories (historical, philosophical, scientific, literary, architectural, humanistic, creative, artistic, economical, social, spiritual, ethical, etc.). The goal is to help re-launch the European values, the consciousness of a shared destiny that, besides the foundation of peace and security, might offer a common horizon pointing Europeans the path to be undertaken, also by recognizing its value and expressing its evolution. A highly functional artistic-design-cultural vision, therefore, requires the competitors to synthesize the exceptional and unique cultural heritage, both material and nonmaterial, which Europe has maintained during the time and will project in the future. The competition requires participants to express an "ideal symbol" of Europe, and to propose an area to place it. The design idea can be seen as an expression of architecture, art, landscape, urban design, engineering, or as a combination of them, having the "status" of "place of public interest". It should, moreover, possess functions and usability of public utility, for example, an open area, a green space, a park, a shoreline, a promontory, a square, an existing building reconverted."

        The evaluation Commission is composed of eleven members:

        Stefan Behnisch (Architect, Behnisch Architekten);
        Dennis Crompton (Architect, Archigram);
        Gabriele Del Mese (Engineer, Arup consultant);
        Mariangela Falà (Vice President of Atelier PAEMA);
        Ruggero Lenci (Architect, RL Space Lab);
        Carme Pinós (Architect, Estudio Carme Pinós);
        Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (Architect, President of AIAC, Italian Assoc. of Architecture and Critic);
        Franco Purini (Architect, Studio Purini-Thermes);
        Adèle Naudé Santos (Architect, Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at MIT);
        Claudio Strinati (Art Critic);
        An architect designated or approved by UIA (International Union of Architects).
        MORE INFO ON:

        Tuesday, March 19

        madeoffice.it | PUBBLICAZIONI 2012

        Edizioni Forme Libere

        Nel 2010 fu lanciato da PresS/Tletter un concorso destinato a individuare VENTI talenti under 35 attivi nel nostro panorama architettonico. L'obiettivo era capire cosa stesse accadendo in Italia alla generazione che seguiva quella degli architetti quarantenni e cinquantenni per i quali la critica si era spesa generosamente ma con il rischio, appunto, di esserne troppo presa, dimenticando i più giovani. Questo concorso era il primo di una serie. Difatti il prossimo, per selezionare altri venti talenti under 35, sarà bandito, sempre da PresS/Tletter, e questa volta con la partnership della Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica, nel maggio del 2012. Oggi esce questa pubblicazione che serve anche da catalogo a una nuova collettiva a Selinunte, che inaugura il 31 marzo all'interno dell'evento "Architects meet in Selinunte: Partire, Tornare, Restare", dove sono presentati progetti inediti. Come si può vedere sfogliando le pagine del libro, il livello di qualità è molto più che confortante.
        Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi

        Fondazione Pol.i.s.

        Mercoledì 14 marzo 2012, alle ore 16.30, presso la sede dell'Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori di Napoli e Provincia (Napoli, Piazzetta Matilde Serao, 7), all'interno della sala delle assemblee "Raffaele Sirica", si svolgerà l'iniziativa La bellezza contro le mafie per presentare il catalogo delle opere che hanno partecipato al concorso di idee Stele della Memoria.


        Wednesday, May 9

        madeoffice.it | s.s.s.V.4.2 Self-Sufficient Structure

        Questo ed altri progetti realizzati dallo Studio MADEOFFICE Engineering & Architecture saranno presenti in occasione della mostra Young Italian Architects che verrà realizzata a Selinunte in Sicilia, dal 29 Marzo al 1 Aprile 2012, all'interno dell'evento internazionale "Architects meet in Selinunte: Partire_Tornare_Restare" organizzato dall' Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica e presS/Tfactory. clicca qui per info madeoffice.it

        Tuesday, March 6


        MADEOFFICE @ SELINUNTE sicily >>> Exhibition + Book's Presentation
        FROM MARCH 29 UNTIL APRIL 1 2012!!!

        MADEOFFICE è stato selezionato tra 20 emergenti studi studi italiani. Produrrà una propria mostra con tre pannelli espositivi a Selinunte in occasione dell'evento internazionale “Architects meet in Selinunte-Partire-Tornare-Restare” che si svolgerà dal 29 marzo al 1 aprile 2012.

        check our website >>> madeoffice.it
        more info on >>> click

        Wednesday, February 15

        madeoffice.it | a new competition

        The competition “Outside the Box_Low and High Technologies for the Emergencies” is focused on identifying design ideas for resolving various problems in emergency situations.At this point in time the emergency has become the norm. During recent years numerous natural phenomena have upset the lives of many communities scattered across the globe. Examples include Fukushima in Japan, Haiti, L'Aquila in Italy and New Orleans in the United States.The Box is a small temporary structure capable of offering various services: a small space for work, a centre of organisation and meetings for governments or other bodies dealing with and managing an emergency.A space that is simultaneously a workstation and information centre open to public, with free wifi and internet access to allow to people remain in touch with the rest of the world.A fundamental role in the elaboration of the design proposal must be entrusted to technology, whether low- or high-tech. The challenge launched by the Competition is also that of uniting two unavoidable aspects of contemporary design: sustainability and parametric design (the use of parametric modelling software to develop three-dimensional models).

        Thursday, February 2

        madeoffice.it | Selected Works 2010 & 2011

        Un nuovo anno appena iniziato si prospetta davanti e MADEOFFICE.IT raccoglie una selezione di lavori 2010 & 2011 a due anni dalla sua nascita. Tante sono state le difficoltà da superare e tante altre ce ne saranno, ma tante, sono state anche le soddisfazioni. Buona Visione a Tutti...


        Sunday, December 27

        European Prize of Sacred Architecture 2009

        The “Frate Sole” Foundation, in order to highlight the contribution of young graduates who have done dissertations related to a Christian Church project, has set up the third European Award for Sacred Architecture for the year 2009. The purpose of this Award is to encourage, since the early University period, interest and research in the area of cult architecture and to enhance artistic and mystical qualities in order to develop a sacred space of spiritual exaltation.

        Venerdì 2 ottobre 2009 presso la Sala delle Conferenze nel Palazzo del Broletto di Pavia, si è svolta la cerimonia di premiazione del terzo Premio Europeo di Architettura Sacra con cadenza biennale – edizione per Tesi di Laurea e Master.
        Alla presenza delle Autorità si è svolto il dibattito sul tema lo spazio sacro contemporaneo, presieduto da Mons. ing. Giuseppe Russo, Responsabile del Servizio Nazionale per l'edilizia di culto, hanno presentato il proprio intervento:
        prof. arch. Esteban Fernandez Cobian, Università di La Coruña;
        prof. arch. Giorgio Della Longa, Università di Bologna;
        prof. arch. Remo Dorigati, Politecnico di Milano;
        prof. arch. Andrea Longhi, Politecnico di Torino;
        prof. ing. Marco Morandotti, Università degli Studi di Pavia.

        La Commissione giudicatrice dei progetti di tesi di Laurea e di prova finale di Master presentati alla terza edizione del Premio Europeo di Architettura Sacra – Fondazione Frate Sole, anno 2009, dopo attento esame degli elaborati sottoposti, ha pubblicato i 4 nomi vincitori:
        Diana Ramos Gonçalves
        Luca Milan, Pietro Rosellini, Fabrizio Sainati, Simone Santuzzi, Giulio Vatteroni
        Floriana Sperati
        Pier Paolo Presta
        _two pictures from my Final Thesis awarded at the European Prize of Sacred Architecture 2009

        Sunday, October 11

        International Workshop LAN ON SITE@Rome

        The workshop proposes the exploration of ‘digital tectonics’ whereby the emphasis is on total integration between digital modeling and fabrication at a 1:1 scale. Parametric design will be utilized in both methodology and modeling, where students will explore both associative and generative techniques that investigate variation in form and stress physical production design integration. The workshop will result in the production of full scale, digitally manufactured prototypes. The workshop will emphasize the importance of fusing the three topics, and the final outcome will consist of a fully integrated design- to-production prototypes through engagement with accessible CNC production means–3d printer, CNC routers & laser cutters.

        Three main topics will be examined 1/ digital design theory, 2/ parametric design + modeling [RHINO, RHINO SCRIPTING, PARACLOUD] and 3/ digital fabrication [RHINOCAM] Each of the four tutors hold different specializations within the stated aspects.

        This is my Wall Grasshopper Definition & CNC Model:

        Tuesday, September 8

        Thursday, July 30

        "Interweave" Pavillion

        Few seconds after I realized this new experiment, I immediately came to mind those pipes that are used in swimming pool for aquagym...
        With a good dose of imagination, I thought that the polyethylene closed cell foam could be suitable material for the construction of this temporary installation.

        Sunday, May 10

        Final Thesis | Church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina in Rome

        This is the first real post that I dedicate to my thesis discussed on 7 October 2008.Subject of the thesis is the Church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina situated in Malafede near Rome.I chose to do a video in which I have collected many images that show the early stages and the finals that led to the conclusion of my Final Thesis in Engineering at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome.

        _section of the liturgical area and weekday chapel.

        _view from main entrance: parish hall on the left and liturgical area on the right.

        _view from second entrance: priest's appartment, weekday chapel and parish offices.

        Tuesday, December 2


        if a "pillow" is not above the sofa...................it could be something else...Why not?

        Friday, November 28

        Two Way To Exist

        Other tests with Paracloud

        /_starting surface

        //_first transformation

        ///_second transformation: the ribs height was leveled according to the average height of each cell.