Tuesday, August 12

"Monumental Loop Structures" | online publications 2014

In this post we want to thank all the websites from all over the world who have published our project. We also thank the hundreds tweets and invite you to follow us on our official twitter page.

    •  "MADEOFFICE architects' latest proposal creates a monumental architecture piece that is set to symbolize the institution's immense effect on its united countries and the rest of Europe...The curved structure is not only visually striking but is reminiscent of a sculptural monument."  source: Trend Hunter - art & design
      • "madeoffice envisions a universal symbol of the european union...madeoffice has released the visuals for their project titled ‘the european spiral,’ which operates as a monument in ode to the european union...the history of 28 countries are intertwined and metaphorically evolve together towards a future where the choices of a one influence those of another. formally, this can be seen as the folds of the spiral adapt to the needs of the next space that occurs along the sinuous path..." source: Designboom
      • "The European Spiral is the work of MADEOFFICE architects and a universal symbol for the European Union..."  source: Archiscene
      •  "...the European Spiral conjures the biblical reference of the Tower of Babel..." source: Casamea 

        Tuesday, August 5

        madeoffice.it | PUBLICATION 2014

        MADEOFFICE | Engineering & Architecture published on "SkyscraperCity magazine - all about skyscrapers, the vertical culture and city greatness"

        Friday, July 25

        madeoffice.it | PUBLICATION 2014

        MADEOFFICE | Engineering & Architecture is proud to be part of the cover of the new international issue "B-1 Magazine" Volume 7, July 2014. 

        Tuesday, May 20


        Architects meet in Fuoribiennale_Off

        06 Giugno 2014 ONE DAY TALK+PARTY
        Palazzo Widmann - Calle Widmann, 30121 Cannareggio, Venezia

        fonte: presS/Tletter

        Thursday, May 15

        YIA 2014 | MADEOFFICE ///Shortlisted

        Pubblichiamo l’elenco dei finalisti individuati dalla giuria della prima fase composta da: Diego Barbarelli (PresS/Tletter), Matteo Belfiore (Università di Tokyo), Maria Elena Fauci (critica di architettura), Luca Guido (Università Iuav), Salvator-John Liotta (CNRS di Parigi), Alessandro Melis (Università di Auckland), Emmanuele Jonathan Pilia (Deleya editore).
        Da ora inizieranno i lavori della giuria della seconda fase composta da: Nancy Goldring (artista-architetto fondatore gruppo Site), Hans Ibelings (The Architecture Observer), Nicola Leonardi (The Plan), Bart Lootsma (critico di architettura), Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (PresS/Tletter), Indira van’t Klooster (A10), Arthur Wortmann (Mark Magazine).

        Elenco dei finalisti:
        . brenna clerici
        . cimini
        . corti
        . crilo
        . dfg architetti
        . didonè
        . lab255
        . madeoffice
        . schiavello
        . tedeschi

        La proclamazione e la premiazione dei vincitori si terrà venerdì 6 giugno, unitamente alla premiazione del Concorso Giovani Critici, presso Palazzo Widmann a Venezia, all’interno dell’evento internazionale dal titolo Architects meet in Fuori biennale_OFF, organizzato dall’AIAC in occasione della XIV Biennale di Architettura.

        FONTE: presstletter.com

        a questo link si possono vedere tutti e 98 gli studi di architettura under35 partecipanti al concorso