Wednesday, April 17

The Europe's Become | MADEOFFICE 2nd Prize Award

MADEOFFICE was awarded the second prize of the International Competition "THE EUROPE'S BECOME": architectural ideas, creative and artistic expressions for the conservation of the future of Europe.

"It is in this perspective that the Association Atelier PAEMA calls for design ideas that are architectural, creative, artistic; and simultaneously lead to a synthesis of the European values interpretations for the past, present, and future: what the European cultural heritage has represented, what it is now, what we hope it will become and how all this can be expressed in a symbol, in a function, in a place.
In a time of severe and prolonged global economic crisis, when there is a high risk to impoverish the European cultural dimension, the present International design competition seeks to counter this trend and aims at providing visibility to the positive elements that underlie the European identity, the process of integration and its cultural value. Coherent with this vision, Atelier PAEMA proposes to give visibility to Europe, even in a symbolic way, in order to convey the many meanings belonging to its citizens and territories (historical, philosophical, scientific, literary, architectural, humanistic, creative, artistic, economical, social, spiritual, ethical, etc.). The goal is to help re-launch the European values, the consciousness of a shared destiny that, besides the foundation of peace and security, might offer a common horizon pointing Europeans the path to be undertaken, also by recognizing its value and expressing its evolution. A highly functional artistic-design-cultural vision, therefore, requires the competitors to synthesize the exceptional and unique cultural heritage, both material and nonmaterial, which Europe has maintained during the time and will project in the future. The competition requires participants to express an "ideal symbol" of Europe, and to propose an area to place it. The design idea can be seen as an expression of architecture, art, landscape, urban design, engineering, or as a combination of them, having the "status" of "place of public interest". It should, moreover, possess functions and usability of public utility, for example, an open area, a green space, a park, a shoreline, a promontory, a square, an existing building reconverted."

The evaluation Commission is composed of eleven members:

Stefan Behnisch (Architect, Behnisch Architekten);
Dennis Crompton (Architect, Archigram);
Gabriele Del Mese (Engineer, Arup consultant);
Mariangela Falà (Vice President of Atelier PAEMA);
Ruggero Lenci (Architect, RL Space Lab);
Carme Pinós (Architect, Estudio Carme Pinós);
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (Architect, President of AIAC, Italian Assoc. of Architecture and Critic);
Franco Purini (Architect, Studio Purini-Thermes);
Adèle Naudé Santos (Architect, Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at MIT);
Claudio Strinati (Art Critic);
An architect designated or approved by UIA (International Union of Architects).

Tuesday, March 19 | PUBBLICAZIONI 2012

Edizioni Forme Libere

Nel 2010 fu lanciato da PresS/Tletter un concorso destinato a individuare VENTI talenti under 35 attivi nel nostro panorama architettonico. L'obiettivo era capire cosa stesse accadendo in Italia alla generazione che seguiva quella degli architetti quarantenni e cinquantenni per i quali la critica si era spesa generosamente ma con il rischio, appunto, di esserne troppo presa, dimenticando i più giovani. Questo concorso era il primo di una serie. Difatti il prossimo, per selezionare altri venti talenti under 35, sarà bandito, sempre da PresS/Tletter, e questa volta con la partnership della Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica, nel maggio del 2012. Oggi esce questa pubblicazione che serve anche da catalogo a una nuova collettiva a Selinunte, che inaugura il 31 marzo all'interno dell'evento "Architects meet in Selinunte: Partire, Tornare, Restare", dove sono presentati progetti inediti. Come si può vedere sfogliando le pagine del libro, il livello di qualità è molto più che confortante.
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi

Fondazione Pol.i.s.

Mercoledì 14 marzo 2012, alle ore 16.30, presso la sede dell'Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori di Napoli e Provincia (Napoli, Piazzetta Matilde Serao, 7), all'interno della sala delle assemblee "Raffaele Sirica", si svolgerà l'iniziativa La bellezza contro le mafie per presentare il catalogo delle opere che hanno partecipato al concorso di idee Stele della Memoria.